The Application Programming Interface (API) is essentially a set of processes. By utilizing it, you can easily establish a connection between your applications and operating systems, external software, or microservices. Moreover, with an API, users can interact with the system, and vice versa.
Once you click on ‘add to cart,’ the API instantly informs the system to add the product to the cart. Within a couple of seconds, the website places the product into the cart and updates your cart. On the other hand, by using the API, you can quickly interact with a web application.
Importance of the API
Some APIs, such as the Reddit and Spotify APIs, are intended to expand the reach of the organization by making their data available to users. This encourages external developers to build products that sometimes rely on the business, thus retaining customers.
For example, Spotify features ‘Artist Explorer,’ which helps users build a new playlist and discover new artists.
Other Application Programming Interfaces, like the Salesforce API, are sold to companies. Organizations that pay for Salesforce administrators see the API as an additional value because they can have their programmers build integrations that achieve two things:
1. From the in-house software package, such as a web server sending data to the Salesforce directory and updating the data within the ‘cloud.’
2. From the ‘cloud,’ these APIs pull the data to the in-house software systems, such as an internal database or a reporting system.
Since APIs essentially provide information, there are no restrictions on how an organization can proceed to use that information. Additionally, these programs can be automated to run on a schedule, reducing the need for someone to navigate the complex steps of manually exchanging data through the Salesforce web interface.
As organizations scale up, many find that the initial cost of building such integrations can save employees time and sanity by eliminating the need to interact regularly with a complex and sometimes inexplicable web interface.
Build with HTTP Protocols
One of the biggest plus points of using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) is that they are designed with HTTP protocols. Hence, you can use them to access any language, including Java, Ruby, Python, or any languages that are assembled with at least one HTTP protocol.
As programming continues to become universal, CRM organizations expect to see a significant increase in the number of API integrations built against their APIs. This is especially true as basic programming proficiency continues to rise, and employees in various departments outside of the software team may find great value in writing a few API integrations themselves.
Frequently, the code required for these integrations is short and generally simple, like the JavaScript example we mentioned above. With a bit of learning and a little diligence, you too can write short programs to query and interact with the APIs your business pays for!
Practical Uses of APIs
By using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), developers can quickly deliver information to consumers, and we use APIs in everyday life. From playing a game on the smartphone to online shopping, we use APIs everywhere. These are some of the practical examples of the real use of APIs.
1. Visit a Bank
A bank is probably one of the systems you daily interact with. When you wish to withdraw some amount of money, you might go to the teller (API) and say, ‘You’d like to withdraw X amount of money.’ The teller (API) then goes to the bank manager (the system) and tells him/her that, ‘Mr./Mrs. would like to withdraw X amount of money.’
After that, the bank manager (the system) will give the teller (API) the money, and then the teller will transfer it to the customer. With this example, you might understand that APIs are the messenger between the system and the user’s needs.
2. Searching for a Good Hotel
Whenever you are planning to visit a place for a holiday or any other reason, you might search for a hotel first. To find a good and comfortable hotel, you might send a 3-night room request to 10 different hotels.
The API takes your request for that particular area, date range, and room and pings the 10 destinations, which then sends back the deals they have found. You can then check these 10 hotels and choose the most suitable one for you. Again, Application Programming Interfaces work as a messenger for you.
3. Searching for a New Restaurant
Suppose you are visiting a new city, you check into the hotel and search for a restaurant for lunch. So you take your smartphone and search for nearby restaurants.
Within a couple of seconds, you will be able to see dozens of restaurants on the LED display. Credit goes to Google Maps API as it makes the searching task easy for you.
Uses of APIs for E-commerce Sites
Apart from the practical benefits in the real world, APIs offer numerous advantages for eCommerce sites. For example:
Security: Security is crucial when your website utilizes APIs. Remember that when you send a request to the server, your website will not be directly linked to the server. You can send small pieces of information, and the API will deliver it, after which the server will send it back. This procedure minimizes the risks of hacking.
Scalability: APIs enhance flexibility and scalability when you are attempting to expand the store’s catalog, security, and other aspects.
The API is an incredible asset that can help accelerate your business activities, expand your brand’s reach, connect your customers to the items they need, and much more. Hence, you are encouraged to use APIs and increase your business revenue.