Top 10 Javascript Libraries for Web Development

Javascript Libraries for Web Development

With the rising demand for web development, the demand for JavaScript is also increasing. JavaScript is a high-level programming language and is primarily used for web development. It is one of the major programming languages that supports event-driven, functional, and object-oriented programming styles. Thus, it is playing a vital role in various places.

Usually, the library comes with several helper functions or modules that can increase the functionality of your project. JavaScript library is a library or collection of prewritten code that can be used to develop the JavaScript application. It smoothens the process of the development of applications based on JavaScript. Therefore, it reduces the workload of the developers.

Javascript Libraries for Web Development

Since many JS libraries are available, it is often difficult to choose the right one. Here, we’ve listed the top JavaScript libraries for Web Development that one should know. So, let’s start:

1. JQuery

JQuery is one of the most popular libraries and was first released in 2006. It is mainly used for the Document Object Model (DOM). Moreover, it comes with several plugins and simplifies complicated things like AJAX calls.

This library comes with features like HTML manipulation, CSS manipulation, HTML event methods, and much more. Many big companies like Google, Microsoft, IBM, and Netflix are using this library.

2. D3.js

D3 means Data-Driven Documents that provide a platform for data visualization. It is an open-source JavaScript library and was developed by Mike Bostock. It uses HTML, SVG, and CSS to visualize data in web browsers.

D3 comes with features like duration (), Delay (), and ease () and thus it supports animation. It is lightweight and works very fast with a large dataset.

3. Parsley.js

Parsley is an open-source, MIT-licensed JavaScript form validation library. It uses the DOM API to configure everything directly from the DOM.

So, the users do not need to write a single JavaScript configuration line. It is easy to use and automatically detects modification in form. Moreover, it also comes with several predefined constraints and types of constraints.

4. Chart.js

The chart is a JavaScript library and allows you to draw different kinds of charts using the HTML5 canvas element. This library is simple and usually comes with 8 basic chart types.

Moreover, it also offers the mixing up of charts in a single place. Not only that it offers animation facilities that make the data representation more interesting.

5. Anime.js

Anime is a simple, lightweight JavaScript animation library and has a powerful API. It can work with CSS, SVG, DOM, and JavaScript Objects. So, it is quite helpful for any project. It has a small size and works in all modern browsers, even also in IE/Edge 11+.

6. Glimmer.js

The next JavaScript library on our list is Glimmer. Glimmer was first released in 2017 with the tagline “Fast and Light-Weight UI components for the Web”. It is a small-sized library that is based on robust Ember CLI. It plays an important role in DOM rendering. Moreover, it uses Git, Node.js, npm, and yarn, and helps in project layouts.

7. Bideo.js

If you want to add a full-screen background video on the webpage then this library is for you. It was developed by Rishabh and is easy to use. With Bideo, it is quite easy to add a full-screen background video. Moreover, it also enables the user to run the video in the background of a container.

8. Granim.js

If you want a colorful background gradient, Granim is for you. Granim is a JavaScript library that is useful for adding fluid and interactive gradients. It is built on Vanilla JavaScript and thus can be run with other JavaScript libraries. The library is quite small and you can also customize the color-gradient transition that can suit any website.

9. Multiple.js

The next library on our list is Multiple.js. If you are interested in creating exciting background visuals then Multiple.js is for you. With this library, you can also share a background image across multiple elements using CSS. It is quite a simple library and creates interesting visual effects. 

10. Three.js

The last one on our list Three.js. If you are working with 3d designs, then this library is for you. It has a simple application programming interface.

This library comes with features like geometry, lights, shaders, data loaders, animations, and much more. Thus, it is quite helpful for creating animated 3D computer graphics.


Due to the quick analysis property, the demand for JavaScript has been increasing in recent times. So, these JS libraries are surely gonna help you in building your applications. Here, we have listed 10 such JavaScript libraries for Web Development. However, if you are looking for a JavaScript Framework for Web Development then follow the linked guide.

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Ajoy Kumar

He is a Computer Science graduate dedicated to empowering individuals to forge successful careers in programming and the dynamic world of technology and industry.

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